Actually what you describe has already happened.  Norman Cook himself is
weighing in on a theory of LENR.  However, I don't think it is that
simple.  Dr. Cook is well versed at what happens inside the nucleus, but
the LENR phenomenon is bigger than that - it needs a condensed matter
physicist also versed in nuclear physics.  Now the field narrows.  Even
then, there is probably the need for introduction of new physical phenomena
that are not recognized or understood today - perhaps the ignored negative
solutions to Dirac's equation that were swept under the rug by Feynman.

Looking simply at the nuclear physics end alone is like saying that LENR is
related to hot fusion, wherein only the two fusing nuclei are the domain of
the problem because they are isolated when they react.

That is why LENR is reported in the Journal of "Condensed Matter Nuclear
Science" - a science that embodies nuclear science and also condensed
matter (solids).

On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 4:25 AM, Stephen Cooke <>

> Actually it would be interesting to give this data to an expert on nuclear
> physics who has no bias one way or other about LENR and see what he comes
> up with as an explanation.

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