Axil Axil <> wrote:

Then IH has nothing to lose by revealing what they cannot get to work.

It is described in the patent. They cannot get the machines in the patent
to work, therefore the patent is invalid and the IP has no value. If
someone else can make the patent work, that would change the situation.
I.H. tried hard for a long time at great expense, but they failed.

> If someone can get it to work, then IH will benefit from that effort.

Yes, that is true. But they do not need to supply any information. On the
contrary, they *cannot* supply information. If they have to supply
information which is not in the patent, that makes the patent invalid. The
patent has to be complete or it will be ruled invalid.

As it happens, they have no information to supply. All they know is that it
does not work as described.

You have to be a PHOSITA to replicate. Who that would be and what they have
to know is often disputed. It is possible the I.H. people are not PHOSITA
enough, but neither is Rossi, since he could not get his own machine to

- Jed

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