Axil Axil <> wrote:

Rossi's IP is protected by a patent so he is covered.

A patent that does not work and cannot be replicated is not valid. It is
worthless. He is not protected against anything. In the highly unlikely
scenario that he actually has a positive result, he will lose all IP rights
to it because he did not describe it in the patent well enough for a
PHOSITA to replicate.

> It is worthwhile to verify that that patent is valid.

This has been done. I.H. spent large sums of money and worked with experts.
They determined that the patent is not valid. No one else has been able to
replicate. There is not a single valid example of excess heat from this
experiment. All of the results reported so far, by Parkhomov and others,
have been mistakes. So, as far as anyone can tell, it does not work. That
is regrettable but that's reality.

- Jed

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