Frank Znidarsic, EE:  Please see "Hi Frank!" below.

Hi Chris Zell!

My point (that was discussed off-list) about Henry Wallace (if we're prone to accept his patent concept as real and repeatable) is that the proton charge, bound electronically in balance with the electron shells, is the (a) likely operating vehicle toward new physics.  (I'm a lurking troll Z-man preaching technology implications if given stump.)

Wallace found that the atomic number determined the magnitude of the anomalous counter-acceleration-force.    Wallace supports my intuition that protonic involvement (Coulombic) is the/a root cause in anomalous physics.

And also, Mr. Z's equations were fit from data gathered by Podkletnov and cold fusion, where he discovered identical wave-front velocities, and fit that data to an alternate atomic model having a spring-constant and duration applied to the proton's jiggly center-location.  Frank discovered a model containing the cause of the fine grain constant... a delay in the quantum transition which is time-bound to the nucleonic center-point-jiggle!  Frank explains Newton's corpuscles of light were given instantaneous quantum transitions <-- so Planck's constant is a fudge for classical theory that lacks enough dimensionality to account for the mass-bound electronic period of the proton-charged nucleus.

Differently: Nucleons jiggle when electron shell occupancy changes.   Do the Hula Hoop(R).  Shake that charge-center like it wants it. (Muscle memory as physics analog.)

I appreciate your thoughts, Chris.  Humans look past the obvious all the time.  The old-world Polynesians of the Pacific islands would not admit to each-the-other that giant ships with sails as large as clouds were actually visible just off shore.  The islanders literally ignored the giant European ships, until European men came ashore in small boats.  This phenomena works in my favor on my wife's bad hair days. UFO-s are very easily dismissed by us  humans.   Will humanity acknowledge ET-s if ET 'comes ashore' on Jacob's ladder?

   Then NASA rowed-ashore from the LENR ship in the bay with lattice
   confinement of muon bombardment.

Agreed that Wallace's mechanical speed's a challenge.

But what is happening with an atom when centrifugal force is increasing/decreasing to cause a reverse-rotational-force?  What does a nucleon feel in a flywheel matter lattice?

Frank Znidarsic found the equation that defines a wavefront-velocity that does couple into the proton's sono-electronic timing (by matching the oscillator's phase-timing with the nucleon's electronic-jiggle-timing). That's tantalizing. Easy for a pro EE.  I'm a newbie woodworker that's listening.

-- begin further adventures designing from the rabbit hole out --

Hi Frank!

I feel awkward talking lay-speak about your mathematical theory. If it weren't for AlienScientist (YouTube)** I'd never have understood your stuff's practical significance (reading between the equations).  I'm also saddened that this technologist can't communicate to physicists.  I can't find my puppy!

   /**Frank Znidarsic's Theory for Podkletnov Effect/ - AlienScientist

Agreeing with your rigor, Frank, I leap toward proton field involvement as the/a source of EM anomaly because for decades I've also searched for other source-causes (like Chris Zell mentions below, and likely have all of us Vortex People)... and I don't find any source-cause (naturally) in classical EM theory.  Nor do those anomalies reported by various experimenters past seem to indicate the vehicle of the anomaly is framed by classical field theory.  And especially not the EM theory of wires crossing fields with torque conversion into current and charge.

   (Incoming transmission!  The effect of Z-wave manifestation is
   emergent in a population of copper atoms by design, not direct, the
   effect manifests in a hosting amplifier coils, tweaked and enticed. 
   Once 'lit up' the effect is self-compressing/amplifying to a system
   current limit.  A controller is essential to ride the "low impedance
   coupling" of matter lattice to oscillator.  Comic mode off.)

So, rather than mechanically rotating a rotating magnetic field at 1.094 million meters per second_(V_Z) at some tangential radius, rather, a magnetic field-polarity-rotation at that (tangential) velocity may suffice.  (Ref. Podkletnov's remarks on un-necessary super-conducting fields.)  That's my experimental design approach.  Rotate the field, not the mechanics (Be the gorilla!)  More some comp sci tech is added for time-domain isolation of anomalies at play in the experiment when revolving a magnetic vector on a toroidal surface of conductors near your velocity, Mr. Znidarsic, V_z .

Tech troll swan song:  As the scale-dependent resonator wavefront Z-velocity is had at lower-frequencies for larger resonators.  Big resonators can use cheaper MOSFET-s.  Smaller affordable resonators (desktop scale and smaller) will need some more modern and much faster transistor technology.  The gallium nitride transistor technology fills the speed and power requirements for small devices.  I'm always open to R&D confabs that form organic sense in the real world.  Send positive thoughts, please.

This is a half-bridge using GaN transistors that could host a timing-control by digital technology... (a 650 volt ultra-fast switch)


DonEM (Don E Mitchell) /Newbie Woodworker and dancing gorilla/


Were a field-conforming copper coil array to establish a standing Znidarsic wave, some structuralization of some field topology is anticipated to present some obvious results.  A time-domain harmonic controller seems necessary to observe the conjectured Znidarsic-wave-effect before something happens in giant form (like lightning bolts or frozen parts when black body energy stratifies in a standing Z-wave under power amplification).  Safe, not sorry.

And if some dumb luck produces a gravity field gradient toward center, then that will produce no net-directional inertial force <--because the field is spherical.  Curriculum needed: AG 101. Lesson: /Spherical Time Gradient Oblation/

But a standing Z-wave will radically change the spectral envelop of the field harmonics.  Automatic circuits adjust rapidly.  The Z-vortex begins sucking current into this Z-well of a harmony on the matter lattice.  The 'vortex' proper would be a jiggle-song sang in unison with the EM envelope.  A trillion-quintillion jiggles.

-- imaginarium off --

On 5/28/2021 10:31 AM, Chris Zell wrote:

I’m afraid I truly don’t understand your ideas. I have read about Wallace but the tolerances and speeds look way beyond what I can build.

My ideas try to exploit simple empiricism.

First, investigate all anomalies and crazy inventions.

Discard the 99.9% that are crap.

Build and iterate the remaining .01% that actually is something.

Save the world single handedly thereby.

I have a working hypothesis to support this.  The stock market is the most analyzed to death field in our culture – yet, strangely, anomalies pop up in which profits get made because simple facts get lost in the shuffle.

Thus, I nearly doubled my money on a stock called Continental Homes years ago. Afterward, one pundit asked, “why didn’t somebody see this?” ( as to how nobody saw they were almost ‘printing money’ in profits)  I did.  I think Wall Street was misled because housing stocks were not popular, the company was obscure and their P/E ratio of less than 4 made people think they were in distress, rather than rolling in cash.

BUT   !!! if such may apply to vital money making, could small blind spots exist in science – that might be exploited?  I suspect so.  It’s all within the context of human reasoning and attention.

And what gets said automatically about centrifugal force?  “Oh, it’s just a pseudo-force”.

Sounds dismissive to me.  Worth looking at.

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