On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 10:41 AM Vibrator ! <mrvibrat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> TL;DR  -  What's worse: crashing a car into an immovable static obstacle
> at some given speed, or else crashing into an identical oncoming car while
> both are at half that speed?  Hood-mounted radar would thus see identical
> closing speeds either way, ie. both cars at 10 mph = closing speed of 20
> mph, so which'll do more damage;  that, or else 20 mph into a concrete
> wall?
Cars are structurally complex. Just consider rubber balls of equal size and
use their deformation as a measure of "damage". If the two rubber balls
move towards each other they will deform an equal amount when they collide.
If one rubber ball is resting against a massive wall and the other rubber
ball runs into it will they experience the same deformation?


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