Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

Look, the demonstration device seems pretty simple.

Many things seem simple but are not.

They don't want to bother making a fully self-sustaining one after you have established they can do that, because by making partially self-sustaining prototypes they make more rapid progress, and learn more about the phenomenon.

"Partially self-sustaining." Cool. But not over unity. Not what they are claiming to know how to do.

That is not what I meant. I meant that perhaps the thing is producing anomalous energy, even enough to keep it rotating, but they are augmenting the power slightly with the battery because that happens to be convenient. This would be like running a cold fusion cell with laser stimulation, where you know that the laser input adds slightly to the heat, but you don't bother trying to take it into account because the calorimeter is not sensitive enough to detect it accurately during calibration. (Depending on the instrument, it can be harder to measure heat close to zero; the difference between 0.00 and 0.010 can be harder to measure than 0.450 and 0.460.) That's not exactly cheating.

Let me repeat, I am playing devil's advocate here. I do not seriously believe these claims. On the other hand, there have been several magic magnetic motor claims over the years and I am not quite ready to dismiss them all.

- Jed

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