>From Stephen Lawrence


> ... But he's [MADOFF] **NOT** held up as an example of a
> "successful" con artist, because he (a) had no exit strategy, ...

Ok, then then what's Steorn's "exit strategy?"

The whole Storn group (at the correct strategic moment) buys
themselves one-way tickets to the Camen islands? Nigeria??? ;-)

Sean, the 3rd: "And what did you do gramps?"

Sean: "Well, grandson, I bilked a lot of gullible people out of
millions by staging a sophisticated hoax in at attempt to prove to a
bunch of idiots that it's possible to extract blood from a turnip.
Enough of these dimwits fell for it that I was able to accumulate a
tidy little nest egg for my retirement years, and, oh by the way, fund
your college education. So, my grandson, what do you plan on studying
when you go to college?"

Sean, the 3rd: "Why, marketing, of course!"

Sean: "Good boy!, now go get me a mint julep, please."

Steven Vincent Johnson

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