Abd remarks,


> What I do claim is that the Steorn situation bears very strong marks
> of being a con, a fairly sophisticated one, where they are
> deliberately setting up demonstrations with obvious flaws, which they
> can then remedy, setting up the rebound effect.


You may recall that I also recently voiced similar speculation. I also
speculated that STEORN is deliberately attempting to lead all the skeptics
and debunkers down to the slaughter house where at the right moment they
will all get wacked on the head. Very calculated... Very dramatic. However,
in my scenario, I seem to have come to a different conclusion. It seems more
plausible for me to speculate that Steorn actually believes that their ORBO
device is for real. IOW, I don't yet buy the premise that it's a con job.

OF course, under my scenario it's quite possible that the Steorn engineers
have deluded themselves.

Please understand, I remain highly skeptical of Steorn's claims. Like
everyone here, I demand definitive evidence and am disappointed that Steorn
has not yet delivered on that point. Nevertheless I'm having a difficult
time perceiving how this "con" game you have described could possibly
benefit Steorn. If this is all nothing more than a deliberate (albeit
sophisticated) con game then it's all a house of cards and they will
eventually get caught. There's no way around the fact that they would
eventually get caught. The village will rise up in arms with pitchforks they
and torches in hand and run them all out of town, that is after they are
tarred and feathered and sent to the slammer. Granted, I could be wrong but
I really, REALLY have a difficult time believing they could be that stupid
as to believe they could pull off such a con job on the public, not with the
amount of constant scrutiny they are receiving.

When do they get to eat their cake? More to the point, how can they get to
the cake without getting the heads cut off?

> And remember, it doesn't have to convince everyone. Just a few. They could
keep this up for a long time!

I disagree. I think Steorn would have to convince a LOT of people in order
to pull it off, but in the end it would still fail - they will still be
tarred and feathered. It's my understanding that most con jobs are done with
as little publicity as possible since con artists typically go after the
ignorant and uneducated, and the best way to accomplish that is to operate
as discretely as possible - preferably from Nigeria! ;-) I realize some
might point to Madoff as an example of a high profile successful con job.
But again I disagree. I realize many people got bilked out of billions of
dollars, but eventually, Madoff didn't succeed, and where is he now. 

> Here is what I'd say: anyone considering investing in Steorn should get
together with
> others considering the same. If the possible investors were to cooperate
with each other,
> they could be protected. Steorn may try to defend against this, but the
very defense would
> be visible

Sounds sensible. I personally would demand that before I would be willing to
open up my check book that I be personally shown the device running. The
contraption had better be powering a light bulb with NO batteries in sight!
I would also demand that I be allowed to bring in anyone of my choosing whom
I knew to be competent in engineering principals, preferably electrical
engineering who could advise me.

> It will be fun to watch, I'm enjoying this tremendously. Stay tuned for
the next Episode
> of Steorn Watch. Will all the devices run down? Will one of them
mysteriously keep running?
> Will the demonstration be interrupted by a mysterious fire that burns the
building down,
> destroying all the very valuable demonstration models, constructed at
tremendous expense
> according to detailed plans that were also destroyed? Or will Steorn
remove all the veils,
> pulling those translucent covers away like a magician turning the hat

Yes, it is fun to watch, especially when one has no financial involvement!

I'm still waiting for them to screw in the light bulb and get rid of the
battery. That might pique my interest.


Steven Vincent Johnson

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