On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 6:26 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
<orionwo...@charter.net> wrote:

> Pardon the intrusion.
> Terry, could you give more details as to what you believe are the kinds of
> specific energy balance calculations that remain lacking from Steorn's last
> two demonstrations - calculations that I suspect you believe COULD have been
> revealed had they actually achieved what they claimed to have achieved.
> What, in your opinion, does Steorn's little "spinny thing" need to reveal in
> order to be taken more seriously? I'm not trying to be flippant here. I'm
> just trying to get a better understanding of what specific kind of
> unmeasured "energy" is in dire need of being measured more accurately from
> this little "spinny thing", be it heat, electricity, torque, or some other
> manifestation.

Steorn has no idea how much energy is consumed by the bearings' heat
and the windage heat.  He has not done calorimetry.  He is
conjecturing.  Since there is really no way to measure heating due to
windage or bearings without calorimetry his conjecture is unfounded.
He SAYS he will perform calorimetry in the future which means he has
not performed it in the past.

Bill states it well in earlier posts.  I say it's a smoke enema.

And as the endearing Mr. Iverson states we have only a few weeks to
wait.  I'll predict, however, that his results will be inconclusive.
I hope I am wrong.  But, I have 33 years experience as an electrical
engineer and will admit that I did not catch the measurement errors in
the Sprain motor for over 2 years (they were mechanical, not
electrical - I had that down :).  When I did, I was ostracized by
several PhD's who believed in the motor and supported by one, the
oldest, who agreed with me.  Ultimately, my conclusions were accepted
by all after several months of testing without the bloody instruments
(lifting weights).  I won a bitter victory and the loss pained me more
than anyone.


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