Jones sez:

Dear Dr. Z, ...


Just a personal observation...

I do not feel qualified to pass judgment, either yea or nay, on Dr.
Z's work. I only hope that Frank is permitted a fair shake at the
dinner table. It would appear that Seattle Truth (aka: Lane?) may be
helping Frank finally get an overdue banquet ticket - a place at the
dinner table where turkey, mash potatoes & gravy are currently being
served. What Frank does once he gets the floor at starts wielding a
turkey leg or two in front of astonished dinner guests, for however
long (or short) that duration might be is up to him to wield wisely.

As they say, fifteen minutes of fame...

I'm sure take-out is permitted.

Jones, IMHO, I think your recent reply might be a tad too sarcastic in
your interpretation of Frank's recent claims. Personally, I have
perceived little or no arrogance on Frank's part, other than what
others have tended to personally project onto the faces (and behavior)
of others.

OTOH, your recent commentary. Oops, am I now guilty of projecting my
own perceptions of you onto you???

Just my two cents.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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