-----Original Message-----
From: OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson 

> "Personally, I have perceived little or no arrogance on Frank's part, other 
> than what others have tended to personally project..."

Well, here is a direct quote from recent post a few months back (in which he 
claims that there is a fundamental "speed of sound" in the nucleus, no 

"These ideas are large. I should get a Noble prize, however, they will be 
largely unnoticed."  - Frank Znidarsic

My apologies if this does not constitute arrogance, as it may only have been 
said out of frustration. After all, it must be very frustrating to speak to 
physicists about a speed of sound in the nucleus and wonder why you are getting 
a cold shoulder ...

... or else, maybe he meant "noble" (dignified) and not "Nobel" - you can be 
the judge of that...


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