Also, the fact that both meters were pegged. That sounds more like an event,
and less like the momentary exposure of a shielded catalyst.

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

>  From: albedo5
> If we had a spectrum, we would know what it was - or more to the point,
> what it wasn't.
> I really, REALLY want a spectrum.  Just one.
> Hmm … could it be simply a matter of deduction ?
> … connect the dots with Celani being specifically the only party being
> disallowed, his earlier Cincinnati group replication paper (which Rossi must
> have read), the range of common signatures that are possible for Celani to
> have identified with a portable NaI meter, even if allowed, and the fact
> that to produce power for $.01/kWhr, a natural emitter instead of an
> expensive isotope would need to be used…
> … how many possibilities are there to chose from ?

Never did I see a second sun
Never did my skin touch a land of glass
Never did my rifle point but true
But in a land empty of enemies
Waiting for the tick-tick-tick of the want
A uranium angel
Crying “behold,”
This land that knew fire is yours
Taken from Corruption
To begin anew

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