Most people live in big cities. They congregate at high densities. Personal
electric production is not possible in big cities.  City dwellers live in
high rise apartments, condos and row houses.  There is no place to put all
that waste heat. A personal electric production system with an efficiency of
less then 1% will produce so much waste heat in the city, that it will
literally melt the streets.

On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 12:15 PM, Man on Bridges <>wrote:

>  Hi,
> On 10-5-2011 17:36, Axil Axil wrote:
>   After it is requested to make electric power, the responsiveness of the
> Cat-E is problematical. The Cat-E is not the ideal home power generator
> because it will take time to get steam up. Upon a call for power, it may
> take 5 or 10 minutes before the steam generator is putting out the amount of
> power needed.
>  Furthermore, a good deal of power will be wasted in this on/off cycling.
> The Cat-E may need battery storage to even out the power demand curve.
>  In any case, the Cat-E will still require a connection to the power grid
> to be maintained.
>   I disagree, as Rossi already proved that you can leave the E-Cat running
> continuously for months, which I think is also the original intent of Rossi.
> While running continuously in a steady pace you have all the heat you
> instantly need.
> In the mean time when there is no demand for heat, it can be used for
> conversion through a Stirling Engine into electricity which can be stored
> into an array of batteries, while the remaining excess heat can be used to
> heat water in a boiler, in the same way as a solar-collector-boiler works.
> Such configuration is already (except naturally the E-Cat, but a
> solar-collector and PV-panels) installed in a couple of houses over here;
> these houses do have no connection to the power grid and gas-net anymore.
> Nowadays special batteries for this purpose are largely available.
> Two big advantages of Rossi's E-cat are that you don't need to do an
> expensive investment into Solar collector and PV-panels anymore and you are
> not dependent (during night) of the availability of the Sun.
> Kind regards,
> MoB

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