Axil Axil wrote:

After it is requested to make electric power, the responsiveness of the Cat-E is problematical. The Cat-E is not the ideal home power generator because it will take time to get steam up. Upon a call for power, it may take 5 or 10 minutes before the steam generator is putting out the amount of power needed.

You forget, there is no need to turn off a cold fusion generator. It can stay hot all the time, in a standby mode. The wasted fuel costs nothing. (I do not believe Rossi's cost estimates will hold up for long.)

I do not think that small turbines take long to power up, but if they do, this just means the device will need batteries. It will need them anyway, for load balancing. Appliances draw a lot of power when you first turn them on.

In any case, the Cat-E will still require a connection to the power grid to be maintained.

Only the first generation ones will need this. Once the generator and battery backup are perfected and highly reliable, the device will be more reliable than mains electricity. At least, in Atlanta it will be.

- Jed

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