Please do not forget, Piantelli had a cell  working with no input, at 70W
already in 2000. Then his lab was relocated more times and his progress has
slowed down. But now he is working again
Therefore a working zero input E-cat is quite "naturaL' even if as Rossi
claims, the two Ni-H LENR processes are not related

On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 7:08 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Jones Beene <> wrote:
>   What took so long?
> Nothing took so long. They have been doing tests without input for a couple
> of years. Levi described one in December. However, Rossi claims this mode of
> running is dangerous because it cannot be controlled. This has often been
> discussed here. It is listed here:
> "The reaction can be made self-sustaining with the resistance heaters
> turned off. This was done in a preliminary test with U. Bologna professors.
> (SL)"
> This is “good-news/bad-news” in a way. But it totally expected. In short,
>> it can be shown logically that multiple units of any thermally triggered,
>> overunity device MUST be amenable to operation with no input energy, once
>> started.
> I don't see why. That is like saying an internal combustion engine should
> be able to run with the fuel pump turned off.
>> IOW – this result is completely expected . . .
> It is not "expected." That implies future tense. This result has already
> been reported. (It is conceivable that the reports are untrue, but in any
> case, something that has already reported cannot be "expected.")
> - Jed

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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