Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

The entire approach to measuring enthalpy is corrupt and fraught with hazards. You know how to do it right. Rossi deliberately avoided that.

Even assuming you are right and this method does not work, I do not know of any reason to think Rossi deliberately avoided doing it right. He just used a tried-and-true, simple textbook method. He is not aiming for accuracy. He doesn't care how wet the steam is, because it can't be wet enough to affect the conclusion. Along the same lines he uses the nominal voltage of 220 V even though we all know it is likely to be different. You make a big deal about this but Rossi and I don't care about a 2% error, especially when causes an underestimation in the excess heat.

He would only be guilty of "deliberately avoiding" the right method if he secretly agreed with you that this method is flawed. I am sure he does not agree with you. Neither do I, and neither does any expert or any textbook I have consulted. We think you are wrong. That does not make us guilty of deliberately avoiding the truth. At worst, it means the experts and the textbooks are wrong, and you deserve a Nobel prize.

Don't confuse your opinion with irrefutable truth.

- Jed

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