Nearly 1/3 of energy consumption is spent in transporting energy itself. It
just doesn't make any sense to keep spending money on expensive
infrastructure when it is cheaper to generate your own energy.

For many energy-intensive industries adopting the new technology will be
mandatory. Energy is the  largest cost in production for many industries. If
they do not adopt it as soon as possible, they'll be out of business in no

The big question is: what will happen next? Old-technology energy prices
will drop sharply. Oil and coal (60% of world's energy) will become very
cheap. It may take a long time before it is both affordable and cost-saving
to have your own e-cat at home, less-intensive industries and offices,
because most of the time you won't use it's full power and the power grid
will offer cheaper energy.

 It is very unlikely that those countries with large surplus in oil and/or
coal production would just abandon these energies sources in a short time.
It'll be both available and cheaper. Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Canada,
Norway, Australia, China, Iran, Iraq and Russia come to mind.

Power grids will still be around for a long time.

2011/10/21 Hoyt A. Stearns Jr. <>

> **
> Power companies will fade away and all those ugly high-tension lines will
> dissappear :-) .
> Hoyt Stearns
> Scottsdale, Arizona

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