Mattia Rizzi <> wrote:

> No matter of what his going on inside the reactor.
> Rossi made spectacular claims. He said that he generate heat by gamma
> emission.

Yes, he did. Experts think that is unlikely, but he did say that. But did he
tell that to the government when he applied for a permit? Does he still
believe that? I do not know. If you have read the application or the permit
please tell us. Perhaps you can find it on-line in an Italian government web

I would love to see that permit -- assuming it exists.

If you go to the NRC asking for an autohrization for a test with potential
> gamma emission, nobody release you authorization without installing some
> precautions, and "Nuclear Warning" panels.

That does seem likely. Perhaps that means he did not tell them there is
potential gamma emissions.

- Jed

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