Reminds me of Thane Heins' "Regenerative Acceleration."

Subject: Re: [Vo]:Acceleration Under Load
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 23:23:24 -0500

To get the attention of physicists you will need to find a way to connect the 
output power back to the input and have the device increase its energy.  No 
other test would convince them that your device is effective.


Have you been able to achieve this benchmark?  This requirement reminds me of 
the skeptic's demand that Rossi's device needs to run a generator to supply the 
input power and it is valid.  One day I hope to see this test performed.



-----Original Message-----

From: Harry Veeder <>

To: vortex-l <>

Sent: Mon, Dec 12, 2011 9:20 pm

Subject: Re: [Vo]:Acceleration Under Load

Hopefully it will become free energy device.

Dozens of amateur researchers ( Steorn included ) have established
that it is possible to circumvent Lenz's law. The hope is this will
eventually lead to a free energy device.

But even if you can't use a violation of lenz law to generate free
energy, this achievement alone deserves attention from mainstream
engineers and physicists, which it isn't getting. It is a strange
state of affairs.

On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 1:21 PM, David Roberson <> wrote:
> I am confused about the purpose of the experiment. Is this some kind of free
> energy device?  If it really works, you should be able to drive the input
> with the output and have it to accelerate in speed or at least keep freely
> moving.  If this can not be done, then most likely there is a difficulty in
> reading the true power output and input.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harry Veeder <>
> To: vortex-l <>
> Sent: Sun, Dec 11, 2011 12:53 pm
> Subject: [Vo]:Acceleration Under Load
> acceleration under load effect, by deepcut66
> <<The previous setup had physical limitations although it was
> excellent for demonstrating the AUL [acceleration under load] effect.
> This setup lends itself better to harnessing the effect for
> power-generation.
> I've done away with the Bedini drive circuitry and replaced it with a
> 12v/6w motor from an Audi message-pump system :
> This gives me twice the RPM for a third of the input power, coupled
> with the fact that the rotor has 24 poles, arranged N/S i can now get
> higher frequencies.
> This is running at around six or seven hudred Hz.
> According to the meters more power is coming out than going in, but we
> all know how deceptive things can be and i can't do proper
> measurements until i get my hands on a scope, which i will get in the
> new year.>>


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