On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 8:23 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> This requirement reminds me of the skeptic's demand that Rossi's device
> needs to run a generator to supply the input power and it is valid.

Actually, with Rossi, it's simpler than that.  His claim is that his device
makes 6X the thermal power at the output that he supplies as Joule heating
at the input.  But the input current powers a simple resistance heater.  So
why not take some of the output heat, run it through a simple and reliable
control system, and then return the heat to the input end?

Then, Rossi could "self sustain" after a brief initial period of electrical
heating, for as long as he liked.  I've never understood why Rossi did not
do that simple maneuver and then run for a week or two under a webcam on a
glass table in an open field.  A lot more people would now believe him if
he had done something like that.

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