Robin, I would think the velocity of the proton of the same energy as compared 
to an electron would be the square root of 2000 or 45 times slower due to the 
velocity squared relationship.  Now, if the proton slows down much faster than 
the electron then the deceleration would be a lot greater.  Perhaps 10 times 
greater?  If you factor this into account then the radiation levels of the two 
particles are relatively close.  What do you think? 


-----Original Message-----
From: mixent <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Wed, Jun 6, 2012 1:35 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:about Triumph Management (and LENR)

In reply to  David Roberson's message of Wed, 6 Jun 2012 01:12:10 -0400 (EDT):

I have long wondered whether or not protons generate bremsstrahlung radiation 
n the same manner as electrons.  It seems that the charge is responsible for 
he radiation and not the mass unless you are suggesting that the slower rate of 
eceleration of a proton versus and electron as it travels through matter is the 
Precisely. Furthermore the actual velocity of a proton is about 2000 times lower
han that of an electron of the same energy (relativistic considerations aside).

Would the same deceleration rate for either particle generate the same 
adiation effect?
I suspect so.
The flip side of this coin is that the proton would travel proportionally 
urther as a result of the lower deceleration rate.
Actually, I don't think they travel as far. I suspect this is because they are
uch slower, and consequently have more time to interact with the electrons of
he atoms they pass through than an electron of equivalent energy. Alpha
articles have even shorter trajectories.
esides, the positively charged particles tend to attract the electrons of other
toms, dragging them away from their parent atoms, whereas a fast electron
ushes other electrons away, making them more inclined to simply move over a
ittle rather then get stripped from their parent atom.
his means that fast electrons don't get as many opportunities to dispose of
heir energy and hence travel farther.
Robin van Spaandonk

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