> This could be significant only if DGTG is in some trouble, however they will
> demonstrate their Hyperions, get them on the market and that's all. Almost
> equally interesting is their
> contribution to understanding of LENR
> Then they will publish more data, independent ones included.
> Their strategy is their strategy and that's not a tautology.
> Their responsibility is not toward people who are just curious
> and unpatient.

I fully appreciate the fact that commercializing the hyperon product
trumps the need to generate independent verification.

My only concern is one of personal interpretation, which I fully admit
is based on a considerable amount of rampant speculation on my part.
I'm inclined to "speculate" that the hyperon product line, as well as
Rossi's ecats, while impressively more robust than any other "CF"
device that has been brought fourth into the public domain, are not
yet stable and/or reliable enough to make commercialization feasible.
IOW, a lot more R&D is needed. I suspect that is the quandary for
which both DGT and Rossi are currently grappling with. They might need
a lot more capital. But in order to get more R&D Dollars & Euros they
will have to generate a few more dog-and-pony shows, which I gather
neither party particularly enthusiastic about doing. Producing more
dog-and-pony shoes risks alerting potential competition. Neither party
wants that to happen.

IMHO, Rossi & DGT should stop squabbling, patch up their differences,
and team up again. I think both entities would be stronger
collaborating together. They would be better equipped to withstand
what is sure to be an onslaught of competition.

That said, I'm looking forward to having my speculations on the above
matters disproven.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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