In my opinion this is a huge achievement for the entire LENR field, which should make other researchers/experimenters think twice before keeping working on historically problematic Pd-D electrolytic systems. Ni-H gas loaded cells are cheaper, easier to set up, easier to replicate, and show a better observable effect. And we need more data.


I agree that it is a major major milestone. A fully reproducible and even portable setup that delivers multi-Watt excess heat. Normally this should have us dancing in the street. Ironically, we are not, because there are promises of something so much better even around the corner.

I also personally feel that it is a major implicit endorsement for Rossi. It *seems* like Celani has bent his experiments towards the direction taken by Rossi since early 2011. And lo and behold, he gets (1) the 100% reproducibility Rossi claimed; and (2) power levels that start to matter. This is something we have gradually grown to in the last 1.5 years, but keep in mind that it was not a trivial thing to shout in January 2011. At least it is safe to say these results certainly do not prove Rossi wrong.

Thanks for your explanation about the wires.

As you may know I am involved in the efforts to come up with an open source hardware and software setup for hydrogen loading / fusion experiments (I write the controller software on the embedded linux board that aids in making this setup much more affordable while very flexible). This project is now in a shape that Bastiaan has started to run experiments. So far, with pure (micron sized) nickel powder, he has not seen excess heat. We are at a point now where we have to decide on a direction to take for next experiments. Maybe you are right that we should try with alloys.


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