Sorry if I missed this come across the wire last week:

Thought it was a great article and was surprised to see our dear old friend Mary Yugu as chatty as ever in the comments at the bottom of the article.


On 08/14/2012 04:12 PM, Alan J Fletcher wrote: <>

  *Report from ICCF-17*

August 14, 2012

/I thought this comment from Tyler van Houwelingen deserved to be in separate post. Thanks Tyler!

/Greetings from ICCF-17,

After seeing the DGT presentation, speaking with them and speaking with people who have been onsite to see the hyperion in Greece, my take is that they are farther away from having a commercial ready device than we had hoped. Based on what people are telling me here with first hand knowledge, as recently as 3 weeks ago they were still unable to obtain stable demos of their technology (problems with the spark plugs failing), thus I suspect no chance of any 3rd party results soon as we had hoped and they had promised. They stated something along these lines yesterday, saying now they will release 3rd party results only after receiving certification.

That said, DGT does appear to be pretty sound both with the science and engineering, however I believe they will need more resources and a bit of luck to get this to market in the next 6-12 months. IMHO

Brillouin is also very solid, as we knew, but still probably at least 1 year from commercial readiness as well. IMHO

That just leaves Rossi in the short term and there are lots of mixed messages about him. Some things people with first hand knowledge are telling me makes me more confident, some things less.

At this point on day 2 of the show I am lowering my optimism of commercial readiness in my presentation a bit. Maybe it will come back up before Friday when I present, we shall see.

By the way, Celanis demo is being setup now and looks AWESOME. Finally seeing LENR first hand is very cool. With 25W excess heat expected, I will see if we can boil some water for the coffee here at the conference....


/In addition, Jed Rothewell has been reporting on vortex-l about the Celani device that is being set up at the meeting: ..../

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