Guenter Wildgruber <> wrote:

> This is a completely different institute, and one probaly has to know the
> intricacies of the Max-Planck organization.

The same or different, you would think that the Director's opinions might
have weight when it comes to accepting or rejecting a important claim. Cold
fusion is not the sort of thing you should try once and the put aside. In
view of the fact that hundreds of other labs successfully replicated, it is
incumbent upon any scientific organization to look carefully, and not to
jump to conclusions.


I am not comparing them. I am pointing out that German's leading
electrochemist endorsed cold fusion.

> Foreigners naturally do not understand the fine-print of such a delicate
> institution.
> I can understand that.

Altogether too delicate. Subject to fainting spells, no doubt. They can't
bring themselves to take a second look at the most important breakthrough
in the history of technology. Poor dears!

- Jed

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