Further review of the Celani experiment documentation located at 
http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/CelaniFcunimnalloa.pdf has revealed additional 
information that I would like to have the vortex discuss.  The performance of 
this device in a public demonstration where it shows excess heat due to LENR 
activity has gotten my attention and I hope that others of the group will take 
a closer look at the documentation.

It would be beneficial to all of us if Celani would release the supporting data 
and I hope that is within his plans.  Is anyone aware of when this might happen?

I observed the graph on page 47 in an attempt to gain time domain response 
information to use in evaluating the power output performance and make 
predictions.  If you look at this particular chart, you can see that it is 
expanded in time so that each horizontal division is 500 seconds long which is 
short compared to the other charts supplied.  Also, the power is step applied 
to the inactive wire during this period and the glass temperature is recorded.  
The green curve representing the glass outer temperature rises smoothly and 
appears to follow an exponential curve.  This is useful information since it 
suggests that any heat released by LENR processes will be filtered heavily 
before it shows up on the power graph.  I estimate that the rise time of the 
green curve is about one horizontal division which is 500 seconds.

If you take the time constant of 500 seconds and invert it you get a frequency 
of .002 radians per second.  Turn this into hertz and you get .002 / 2 / pi = 
3.18 E-4 Hertz.  Any drive waveform will find itself subjected to this 
effective substantial low pass filter before it is detected as external glass 
heating and thus radiation.  For instance, if an LENR effect generated 100 
watts for 5 seconds before being quenched, it would be filtered quite well and 
appear as a power pulse far lower in power, perhaps 10 watts.  I need to do 
further simulations to be confident in the actual power displayed versus 
present for support.

With this new information in mind I took a further look at the chart on page 
31.  The first thing to notice is that each horizontal division is 50,000 
seconds or 100 filter time constants.  That fact will ensure that any pulses 
filtered by the time constant of the system will occur within a short span 
along the x axis.  The shape of the excess power curve is strongly suggestive 
of a process that releases large impulsive heat spikes that are typically close 
together in time, but that separation varies quite a bit during the testing.  
Without the detailed supporting data we can not be sure of just how long each 
pulse typically lasts or how large an excursion it takes.

If a large number of impulses arrive closely in time we would observe a 
relatively smoothly rising total curve that does not have much fuzz (ripple) 
visible.  As the pulses arrive further apart, the ripple will increase and if 
long enough time is allowed between pulses the bottom of the curve will rapidly 
head toward zero power output.  The curve offers plenty of examples of these 
effects to follow if you take the effort to view it.

It has been my hypothesis for a while that there is a strong positive feedback 
mechanism responsible for the impulses that show up in the excess power.  I 
express the mechanism more of less as follows:  A differential quantity of heat 
is released within a NAE as a result of LENR activity.  This heat flows through 
the thermal resistance in the local area and results in a differential 
elevation in temperature.  Now, the tiny rise in temperature then leads to an 
increase in released LENR heat that is larger than the initial release.  This 
process continues in a self sustaining exponential rise in local temperature 
and heat release until something quenches the process.  Perhaps melting of the 
region occurs as a brake.  Further research must be conducted if we are to 
understand exactly what happens, but once the process no longer is under the 
influence of positive feedback the temperature rapidly returns to the relaxed 
value.  Positive feedback processes on many occasions occur with very short 
time constants depending upon the local parameters.  In this situation I 
suspect that the impulses last for just a few seconds due to the general shape 
of the excess power curve.   Had the time frame of the activity been in the 
hundreds of seconds, the curve most likely would have been smooth.

What I am seeing within Celani's report is exciting and I think we should all 
look into it in detail since it appears to demonstrate LENR activity at high 
power levels and appears to be based upon good science and the information open 
to review.  Others in our field tend to keep details secret and in many cases 
mislead us altogether.  One day I hope that the other groups will behave in a 
more scientific mode.

Let me know privately if desired whether or not my reviews are of use to other 
members of the vortex.  At times it seems that no one responds and I hate to 
keep taking up bandwidth of the organization if it is to no purpose.


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