On Jan 26, 2013, at 11:45, "OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson" 
<orionwo...@charter.net> wrote:

> I don't think one can accomplish that by constantly slashing national budgets 
> in a misguided belief that doing so will stabilize the value of "money", 
> which in turn will somehow miraculously cause businesses to automatically 
> flourish so that they will automatically start employing more people... many 
> whom may end up being hired at minimum wage. But Hey! It's a job!

I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment. But I think the problems are 
deeper. This level of analysis is repugnant to the people proposing the deep 
budget cuts. They don't want to follow the implications of their policy 
recommendations far enough to see this kind of thing.

The deeper problems go back to education and critical thinking. We've neglected 
the matter of education for a generation or more, and now we are being 
confronted with the consequences.

I'm optimistic that we'll eventually be able to leverage the increasing 
automation to everyone's benefit. But that will require people worthier than 
those alive today. Until then, enjoy the ride.


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