Jones Beene <> wrote:

> An article on the Swedish blog site Osunt is reported on E-Cat World about
> the rumor that there has actually been new testing going on at the Svedberg
> Laboratory at Uppsala University in Sweden...

Interesting. Do you think it is true?

I am not dismissing the possibility that Rossi is telling the truth about
these 11 professors. I have sometimes concluded he must be imagining things
only to find out his claims are true. On the other hand, I know that a few
of his claims have been completely wrong because they are about *me*, and I
know the facts about myself!

I feel a bit like Adm. Nagumo in the middle of the Battle of Midway. He was
deluged with intelligence sightings of the U.S. fleet and aircraft. Some of
these reports were correct, and some were wild exaggerations. Some were
completely false. As G. Prange wrote, if Nagumo had been given a magic
touchstone he might have known what was true and what wasn't, but without
that you could not expect him to know.

Russ George also has a bad habit of embellishing to truth to such an extent
it becomes unrecognizable.

- Jed

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