On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 8:41 PM, Eric Walker <eric.wal...@gmail.com> wrote:

What I will now try to think about is seeing whether that energy might be
> dumped instead into a nearby electron in the ambient electron cloud that
> fills much of the volume of the metal.  In this case, the daughter 4He
> would be nearly motionless instead of fast, and you would get a electron on
> the order of 24 MeV instead.

Does anyone (maybe Robin?) know enough about quantum mechanics to clarify
whether it would be possible for the ~5.5 MeV in the case of p+d -> 3He + Q
to be transferred to several electrons, rather than a single one?  Is it
necessary that the energy be transferred to a single target?  Or can there
be multiple recipients?


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