On 01/29/2014 08:56 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Why on earth would anyone sit in a car for 10 hours when you are only 4 miles from home?!? She is halfway home on a 9-mile commute. Okay, park the car, get out, and walk. It wasn't that cold yesterday, and walking keeps you warm. Have people forgotten how to use their legs? I have been stranded by snowstorms in Atlanta three or four times since I moved here. Once in Norcross, which was probably about 9 miles away. I parked the car and walked home. If you are not carrying a backpack you can walk 9 miles in 3 hours with no difficulty, even in light snow.

I'd opt for staying in the car. It takes a long time to walk 4 miles, especially in the snow, and then you'd have to worry about your car being towed.


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