ChemE Stewart <> wrote:

> I picked up my neighbors wife, who is an atty @ 11:00 PM at Mansell Road
> and another neighbor.  She was WEARING HIGH HEELS and had no chance of
> walking 4 miles.  It was 24 degrees at the time.

I don't like to criticize people who are not used to dealing with the cold,
or with nature, but . . . that was stupid of her. They predicted snow
several days before. At 7 in the morning the sky was full of low clouds
rushing overhead. It was obvious a front was coming in, and it was below
freezing. She should have had enough sense to put some boots or walking
shoes in the car, and a heavy coat.

I will bite my tongue and say nothing about about attorneys.

The snow came just when it was predicted. 70% chance of snow at 12:00. It
started snowing at 11:50. Weather reports these days are uncanny.

- Jed

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