Eric Walker <> wrote:

>  Using incandescent lights is economic lunacy. Even with cold fusion it
>> would be crazy, especially in commercial apps.
> That makes sense.  I draw a big distinction between compact fluorescents
> and LEDs.  LEDs are not bad at all; in fact, I kind of like them.  CFLs
> make my eyes hurt and make everything less vibrant looking.

Yes, they have made great progress in recent years improving the spectrum
of LEDs. I bought one the other day marked "Daylight." It is uncanny how
white it is. I do not think they will improve CFLs. I think that technology
is on its way out, to be replaced with LEDs.

Another kind of light source I really have a hard time with is sodium
> vapor.  San Jose, which is just a 45 minute drive from where I live on a
> good day, uses this for their street lamps.

I hate, hate, HATE those things!

I should join the International Dark-Sky Society.

- Jed

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