You have probably already seen these, and I know they are slowed terribly
by the current state of machinery, but for beautiful worlds check out the
Chesley Bonestell dedications at:

It is not interactive and doesn't tell a story, but it shows the
photo-realistic end of the scale is there -- using ordinary vrml, NOW!

If we make simpler, 'cartoony', interactive, animated stuff and bide our
time, gradually the fps will increase allowing us to achieve stuff like the
Bonestell tribute in full, animated, interactive glory. Even if there is NO
improvement in vrml in the next few years (very unlikely), the
ever-increasing speed of processors will bring it to us anyway.

And what is wrong with cartoons anyway :-)  I love Rocky And Bullwinkle,
with its clunky animation, and childish backgrounds, and its wonderful humor.


        - Miriam

All general statements are false.

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