Am 05.04.2013 um 08:19 schrieb Ryosuke Niwa <>:

> Hi,
> This is somewhat related to the bulk move of Chromium-WebKit contributors to 
> Blink, but we might want to consider sunsetting/expiring committership and 
> reviewership.

> I'm thinking of something like expiring committership/reviwership of a person 
> after the person didn't have any SVN activities for 3 or 6 months.

Hm, that sounds really harsh - at least if the person is still within the 
WebKit project. I personally couldn't land a patch the last months
as I'm busy with my thesis, but I'm clearly still qualified for SVG reviews and 
discussions, no? I follow development closely, even if not writing patches on 
my own at the moment.


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