And you'll probably have to do this again- I bet
yahoo expires the session cookies!

On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 2:18 PM, Donald Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After surprisingly little struggle, I got Plan B working -- logged into
> yahoo with wget, saved the cookies, including session cookies, and then
> proceeded to fetch pages using the saved cookies. Those pages came back
> logged in as me, with my customizations. Thanks to Tony, Daniel, and Micah
> -- you all provided critical advice in solving this problem.
> /Don
> On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 2:21 PM, Donald Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 1:51 PM, Micah Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Donald Allen wrote:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 1:41 PM, Micah Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Donald Allen wrote:
>>> >>> I am doing the yahoo session login with firefox, not with wget,
>>> > so I'm
>>> >>> using the first and easier of your two suggested methods. I'm
>>> > guessing
>>> >>> you are thinking that I'm trying to login to the yahoo session with
>>> >>> wget, and thus --keep-session-cookies and
>>> > --save-cookies=<foo.txt> would
>>> >>> make perfect sense to me, but that's not what I'm doing (yet --
>>> > if I'm
>>> >>> right about what's happening here, I'm going to have to resort to
>>> > this).
>>> >>> But using firefox to initiate the session, it looks to me like wget
>>> >>> never gets to see the session cookies because I don't think firefox
>>> >>> writes them to its cookie file (which actually makes sense -- if they
>>> >>> only need to live as long as the session, why write them out?).
>>> >
>>> > Yes, and I understood this; the thing is, that if session cookies are
>>> > involved (i.e., cookies that are marked for immediate expiration and
>>> > are
>>> > not meant to be saved to the cookies file), then I don't see how you
>>> > have much choice other than to use the "harder" method, or else to fake
>>> > the session cookies by manually inserting them to your cookies file or
>>> > whatnot (not sure how well that may be expected to work). Or, yeah, add
>>> > an explicit --header 'Cookie: ...'.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >> Ah, the misunderstanding was that the stuff you thought I missed was
>>> >> intended to push me in the direction of Plan B -- log in to yahoo with
>>> >> wget.
>>> Yes; and that's entirely my fault, as I didn't explicitly say that.
>> No problem.
>>> > I understand now. I'll look at trying to make this work. Thanks
>>> >> for all the help, though I can't guarantee that you are done yet :-)
>>> >> But, hopefully, this exchange will benefit others.
>>> I was actually surprised you kept going after I pointed out that it
>>> required the Accept-Encoding header that results in gzipped content.
>> That didn't faze me because the pages I'm after will be processed by a
>> python program, so having to gunzip would not require a manual step.
>>> This behavior is a little surprising to me from Yahoo!. It's not
>>> surprising in _general_, but for a site that really wants to be as
>>> accessible as possible (I would think?), insisting on "the latest"
>>> browsers seems ill-advised.
>>> Ah, well. At least the days are _mostly_ gone when I'd fire up Netscape,
>>> visit a site, and get a server-generated page that's empty other than
>>> the phrase "You're not using Internet Explorer." :p
>> And taking it one step further, I'm greatly enjoying watching Microsoft
>> thrash around, trying to save themselves, which I don't think they will.
>> Perhaps they'll re-invent themselves, as IBM did, but their cash cow is not
>> going to produce milk too much longer. I've just installed the Chrome beta
>> on the Windows side of one of my machines (I grudgingly give it 10 Gb on
>> each machine; Linux gets the rest), and it looks very, very nice. They've
>> still got work to do, but they appear to be heading in a very good
>> direction. These are smart people at Google. All signs seem to be pointing
>> towards more and more computing happening on the server side in the coming
>> years.
>> /Don
>>> - --
>>> Micah J. Cowan
>>> Programmer, musician, typesetting enthusiast, gamer.
>>> GNU Maintainer: wget, screen, teseq
>>> Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
>>> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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>>> =3XD/
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