Hello James,

I'm using Ethereal 0.10.3 and WinPCap 3.0. WinXP-SP2
Filter was "port 25".
And I've captured both incoming and outgoing packets.
So, the problem I think is in the Ethereal sources.

P.S. "src port 25 || dst port 25" filter works fine too.

JG> Originally posted on ethereal-users, referred to
JG> winpcap-users from there.

JG> Running on Windows XP SP2 with Ethereal versions
JG> 0.10.10 and WinPCap 3.0.

JG> If I provide the following capture filter:

JG>      port 25

JG> in order to capture an SMTP transaction, I see only
JG> packets with destination port 25 -- I.e. I see the
JG> the client's outgoing packets only.

JG> However, if I capture with NO filter specified, I see
JG> all packets, so I know WinPCap is capturing all the
JG> traffic.

JG> I also tried

JG>      src port 25 || dst port 25

JG> but the results were the same. This used to work
JG> just fine.  Has something changed or am I missing
JG> something?

JG> I also tried Ethereal 0.10.9 and WinPCap 3.1beta4 with
JG> the same results.

Best regards, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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