I should have thought of that :-)

However, when I do what you suggest, the offline filter
shows BOTH sides of the conversation.  The problem seems
to occur only when filtering during an actual live capture.

I have followed the website procedures for submitting a bug
and sent the info to the winpcap-bugs address.

Gianluca Varenni wrote:
Hi James.

Can you please try to dump the packets to disk with windump (no filter), then try to offline filter those packets offline with windump? If it fails, please send me then unfiltered trace file, and I'llk try to reproduce the problem.

1. Capture to file "windump -i<some adapter> -w somefile.cap"
2. Offline filter the file "windump -r somefile.cap port 25"

Have a nice day
James Garrison                                Athens Group, Inc.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    5608 Parkcrest Dr
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