
how would you rate which is using a mix of
drop down menu and apparent second level navigation.

It could be seen as a solution to make everyone happy!?


On 8/4/05, John Allsopp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Frederic,
> > I want to convince people not to have drop down on some of our
> > sites at work...
> >
> > I am looking for some good reasons not to have them...
> >
> > We have some on our current site and it looks like (from the web
> > stats) that people are actually using them a lot
> Thanks for the opportunity for letting me sound off on one of my
> favourite subject - Russ is now running for the corner (a quick
> aside, Russ and I just gave a series of workshops round Australia,
> and this came up once or twice, My firm views were noted. I have lots
> of firm views.).
> OK, let's start with the basic UI principles. A menu is a set of
> verbs, for doing actions. Navigation menus are a set of nouns for
> choosing content. So its akin to using a radio button in place of a
> checkbox  they are designed for two different uses.
> Secondly - while menus on the OSs are designed so that traversing
> diagonally to a submenu will not close that submenu, JS submenus (and
> CSS ones too) almost invariably close unless you enter directly from
> the entry in the main menu relevant to them - this is why they are
> difficult for most users and essentially impossible for users without
> really good fine motor skills to access.
> So,
> 1. they break the UI guidelines on all platforms that have been in
> pace for over two decades for menus
> 2. they have serious usability issues
> 3. they have serious accessiiblity issues
> A further Usability issue is that by using them, we tend to hide
> contextual information about where we are in a site - we tend to know
> which major section we are in, but not the subsection within that
> section. In non trivial sites, this a major issue.
> Why do people use them then?
> I think their popularity is a symptom of style over substance, which
> drives a lot of web design - The image replacement techniques, misuse
> of flash (rarely is it used well, and even when it is used well, it
> tends to be used for everything (text and still graphics as well as
> interactive stuff) rather than jsut for what it does well).
> Just my not so humble appearance.
> John Allsopp
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