Christian Montoya wrote:
You guys are completely off here. Links are supposed to be like this:

Get < a href=""; title="Link to download Amaya, the W3C Web Browser for testing">Amaya< /a>

Links without titles are already inaccessible, regardless of context.

Sorry, but that is *rubbish*. Title is only advisory. In many instances, title is not exposed to the user; for instance, if I am a sighted user navigating via the keyboard, I'll never get title (tooltips or similar are not triggered via the keyboard in any browsers I'm aware of). So you state that all links without titles are inaccessible? Funny, that makes 99% of the web inaccessible...

The screen reader refers to the title of the link for relevant information. That's why W3C recommends titles for links.

"The screen reader"? There are a variety of voicing browsers and screen readers on the market, and they all behave slightly differently. On top of that, it all depends on verbosity settings the user has selected. Many screen readers have fairly well thought out fallback mechanisms: read the title, if present, otherwise, read the link text; sometimes, they also read a title, if present, followed by the link text. Your sweeping generalisation, despite your very strong delivery, is far from true, I'm afraid. Or, let's put it this way: if it were really true that links without titles are inaccessible, why is there NO mention of this in WCAG?

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |
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