Kenny Graham wrote:
>> What for you makes a list of "name/value" pairs tabular data?

> Besides the fact that "name/value" is an example of what would go
> inside some <th>s?  Or in this case name and position.  I guess the
> situation I'm forced to wonder about in regards to your stance on this
> is this:  You have a 3 column table:

> Name            Position     Age
> John Smith    President   70
> Jane Doe       CFO          65

> And after filling up this table, someone decides, "you know, having
> the age in there is really pretty pointless", so they remove that
> column from the table.  Does/should this make it stop being tabular
> data?

Let's take your example to the next level, what if the person who decided to
remove the "Age" column thinks there is no need for "Position" either, she'd
want to keep just the name, would you keep the table?

More seriously, in my opinion yes, it would stop being tabular data because
then the top row for the headers becomes useless. Look at it this way: if
that (two column) table was linearized, its content would still make sense.
But for me, tabular data is data that *need* x and y reference to make

> Finally, something I disagree with Thierry on!

The thread is not finished yet ;-)

Thierry |

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