Andrew Maben wrote:
> On Oct 18, 2007, at 4:19 PM, Dejan Kozina wrote:
>> Anybody (Mac & Linux browsers...) wants to take a ride? The thing is up
>> there at . Let us know of your results.
> worked for me: MacOS 10.4.9/Safari 2.0.4
> Andrew

I noticed this page also uses entity encoding. This is a solution I have
used myself but the more I think about it the more I realise realise how
ineffective it is really.

take the following PHP code:

// some page fetching function
$html = fetchPage($url);

// convert any entites in the page to plain text
$html = html_entity_decode($html);

now $html contains plain email addresses - with one line of code

surely any harvester performs this operation first?

Chris Knowles

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