Hello all again.
I just got curious and went on to test that .htaccess trick in the real
world. I'd say that I'm less than happy with the results.

With Thunderbird as the default mail app on Windows XP SP2, IE7, Firefox and Seamonkey 1.1.4 did indeed open a new message window with
the correct addressee in the To: field. The main browser window, in
meantime, went to a blank page in IE and a "Found - The document has
moved here." page in Gecko browsers. The design part of my soul cried
thinking at website visitors landing there after clicking a link...

Even worse, both Opera 9.23 and Safari 3.0.3 failed to open a message
compo window. Opera just hanged there spinning a 'busy' cursor, while
Safari informed me that »The page you opened redirected you to a page
that isn’t supported by Safari. Safari can’t open the page
“http://www.kozina.com/mailtest/example/com/me” because it cannot
redirect to locations starting with “http:”.« I guess there is a 'not'
missing somewhere.

Anybody (Mac & Linux browsers...) wants to take a ride? The thing is up
there at http://www.kozina.com/mailtest/ . Let us know of your results.


Dejan Kozina Web design studio
Dolina 346 (TS) - I-34018 Italy
tel./fax: +39 040 228 436 - cell.: +39 348 7355 225 skype: dejankozina
http://www.kozina.com/  - e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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