Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts and commenting.

After reading through the responses to my original post, I'm trying to
frame a conclusion here.

But first, a little website background:
- target audience don't have much computer background
- majority of target audience use IE 6/7
- since it's an academic site, I think many users would like to print
out the page to read
- the page includes references

Personally, I prefer not to have 'Return to top' links as I don't click
on them and also feel it is annoying.
But, my target audience may expect or use those links as the 'Return to
top' links have been present on the site for the last 10 years and I
think my client will also prefer to have them. Therefore, the use of
'Return to top' link will be required unless I can prove to my client
that users don't click them via studies, research or user feedback, not
just only from my personal experience.

I think the solution I found to be best suited for me is to make a
'Return to top' link appearing on the page as neatly as possible and use
CSS for printer-friendly version (not include those links).

Perhaps, implement something like 'sticky sidebar' or 'position fixed'
to present the 'Return to top' link rather than adding it after each
section is another option I look favourably at. Obviously, I need to
work out on IE6 for this.

Any thoughts?


On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 8:56 AM, Gunlaug Sørtun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> May I suggest that we "fix" an "Up" link at the bottom and a series of
> "section" tabs and "Skip to ..." at the top of the window - 'position:
> fixed' that is.
> Should work on all but the smallest windows and in all the latest
> browsers, and are easy to reposition or turn off for print.
> IE6 will have to pull a little extra, but should otherwise cooperate well.
> regards
>        Georg
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