Brett Patterson wrote:
1) That, I do believe is a crock of shit!
2) If he does anything like that, he will be dead!!!


3) Anyone who believes in those ideas are fucked up, stupid, and this I can promise, will NOT make it in this world, dead or alive!!!!!
4) Like I said, I think this a crock of shit, and possibly spam.

Very expressive. Though you might want to adjust your meds a bit :-)

And you might want to google, say, "Australia firewall censorship"...

its true ...   ("clean feed" is a misnomer - it's not optional)

It is similar to what Alston wanted to do a couple of years ago ... but Coonan dropped it when she replaced Alston . (favouring a more sensible approach of people installing optional filtering software on their own PCs) .

Now it looks like Conroy, like Alston, is clueless and too heavily influenced by fanatical religious extremists.

It is sad to see Australia going down the route towards totalitarianism.

Why is the list of banned sites kept secret?

What is to stop something like this from being misused in future by corrupt officials to ban sites they don't agree with (that are otherwise harmless) or taking bribes to "ban the competition"? ... by the time someone goes though the red tape to get their site taken off the list the damage may have been done.


If there is any kind of "AI" or spam-filter-like heuristics involved what is there to prevent false positives?


like other attempts at censorship elsewhere in the world it is not kiddy porn sites or terrorists that suffer
(as they inevitably find ways around it) ..
It is the average person who ends up putting up with slower speeds and higher costs.

god knows what could happen in other countries if they see that Australia is able to get such a thing in place.

we will become a laughing stock... along with China, North Korea, Iran, etc (and all those other totalitarian governments and banana republics)

Isn't this all a storm in a tea cup? Last time I checked, Australia
was still a democracy, and while *somebody* must have voted for
Conroy, we (Australians) still get a say.

I don't think many people voted about this issue directly .... they mostly just wanted Howard out. That doesn't mean everyone who voted Labor agrees with everything Labor does.

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