On 12/8/06, Francesco Montorsi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Francesco Montorsi ha scritto:
> >> It looks like the object files for VC for the mod_wxlua (for example)
> >> go into wxLua/modules/build/msw/msvc6prjd/mod_wxlua for all of these
> >> builds
> >>
> >> I think it's ok for for monolithic and multilib, but the dll ones have
> >> to go somewhere else since if you use batch build in VC to build both
> >> Debug and DLL Debug it starts getting all sorts of errors/warnings
> >> about wrong function signatures after the first lib is compiled since
> >> I assume that it's using the same object files for both, but the
> >> WXEXPORT is different.
> > Ok, I'll set BUILDDIR to something like
> > "compiler-name[u][d]_shared/static" so that there should be no clashes
> > anymore.
> I've tested my changes also under Windows but I've just noticed a thing: how
> could object files for the two types of build conflict since 
> statically-compiled
> object files are named "wxbind_lib_etcetc" while shared-compiled are named
> "wxbind_dll_etcetc" ?
> They also go in different folders (e.g. vc_lib and vc_dll) so maybe my change 
> to
> BUILDDIR didn't help...

I don't get any errors now, so I think it fixed it! I used batch build
and built the multilib debug and debug DLL at the same time. I do see
that VC creates a binary BuildLog.htm (which is not html at all) in
the *.obj dir and maybe that messes things up? wxWidgets also
separates the files so I think it's probably necessary.

Could you remove the /D WXLUA_LUA_NEWTHREAD since we don't need it? I
don't see it in the bakefiles, but it's in modules_mod_lua.dsp. I will
edit the docs to remove the comment about it.

Also, the lua.5.1.lib and exe is linked to all the wxwidgets libs, can
that be turned off?

Also maybe we should remove modules_mod_verbatimlua.dsp and the
verbatim build and just have modules_mod_lua.dsp since we only have
one lua now. Same here, apps/build/msw/apps_app_verbatimlua.dsp. They
look identical to me except for the name.

Finally could you remove these two files before rebaking since we
don't need them anymore now that the debugger server is a

Could you do this stuff? I will definitely try to build your bakefile
this weekend and see if I can manage the files myself in the future.
The last time (months ago) I ran bakefile_gen with no changes to
anything it rewrote all the files, but it was hard for me to tell
exactly what it did by diffing them so I gave up.

     John Labenski

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