John Labenski ha scritto:
> On 12/18/06, Francesco Montorsi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>     is it if we try to make wxLua release before 25 december?
>> It would be a nice Christmas gift for some of my friends which asked me
>> a nice interpreted language for GUI apps ;)
> That would be nice. I will test again VC 2005 using dsw files, VC 2003
> using nmake, and configure. My VC 6 machine is not working anymore,
> it's a laptop and the hinge broke...
exactly like my father's super old (i486) laptop... it looks like the 
hinge is one of the most weak parts of laptops...

> There is still one last thing (as of six hours ago or so) for
> modules/build/msw/
> The luamodule wants to compile with lua5.1.lib, see here
> !if "$(SHARED)" == "1" && "$(USE_LUAMODULE)" == "1"
>     ...
> but  has
> !if "$(SHARED)" == "0"
> __verbatimlua_lib___depname = \
>         ..\..\..\lib\vc_lib\wxlua_msw$(WX_VERSION)$(WXLIBPOSTFIX)_lua.lib
> !endif
> !if "$(SHARED)" == "1"
> __verbatimlua_dll___depname = \
>         ..\..\..\lib\vc_dll\wxlua_msw$(WX_VERSION)$(WXLIBPOSTFIX)_lua.dll
> If you just copy wxlua_mswXXX_lua.lib to lua5.1.lib the luamodue works.
I was aware - it should be fixed now as our lua library is now named 
lua5.1 and creates an interpreter called exactly "lua".

This is more coherent I think from the previous situation where the lua 
libraries are called lua5.1 (because the lua module _must_ be linked 
against a DSO called exactly lua5.1) but then the interpreter were 
called "wxlua-lua".

Now installing wxLua you get installed also a vanilla lua5.1 using all 
standard names. And since it's now available a USE_SYSTEM_LUA option to 
disable the built-in lua, I think this is the best we can do.

> By the way, is there a way to combine all of wxWidgets and wxLua into
> the wx.dll?
no easy ways I'm aware of. To get a single DLL with all wxWidgets and 
wxLua we'd need a giant library which contains all wx sources and wx lua 

IIRC there was a system, maybe with borland, to merge different DLLs 
into a single one. I'll have a look at it.

Anyway I don't think it's a problem but rather a (small) advantage: 
instead of a single huge DLL we have a smaller set of DLLs and with a 
bit of luck, when we run a wxLua app, some of them may be already loaded 
in the RAM by other processes, thus allowing for the OS to avoid to load 
all the DLLs from hard disk.

> I had to copy all of the dlls from
> wxWidgets/lib/vc_dll/*.dll and the sample/luamodule.wx.lua into the
> dir that I ran $wxlua-lua.exe from.
I know. that's why I created copy-dlls.bat but now that we use different 
dirs for different builds also for bin\*.exe that script is not so useful...

 > I guess all these dlls could go
> into %WINDIR%/System32 or something?
as Klaas said, it would be better to extend the path, but sometimes I'm 
lazy and yes, I just copy them to windows\system32.

> Anyway the error message you get
> when run from cygwin is "error loading module "wx" from wx.dll." which
> is very cryptic since the real error when run from a DOS prompt is
> that the wxWidgets dlls cannot be found.
yep - error messages from GNU tools in general may be often more helpful 
than they are (just thinking to the "undefined reference to vtable" 
linker error) ;)


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