On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 7:52 PM, Alan Coopersmith
<Alan.Coopersmith at sun.com> wrote:
> Alan Coopersmith wrote:
>>  - Is there an increase or decrease in application performance
>>    when using the xcb-ified libX11?
> Looks like the latest git commits fix a big performance drop:
>> Furthermore, the handoff approach provides great improvements to 
>> performance. Results from x11perf's XNoOp test, which represented the worst 
>> case for the lock-based Xlib/XCB:
>> Traditional Xlib:       average 19100000/sec
>> Lock-based Xlib/XCB:    average  3350000/sec
>> Handoff-based Xlib/XCB: average 17400000/sec
> They also remove the locking assertions that caused compatibility
> problems for things such as Java versions with incorrectly built
> private copies of libXinerama.
> (Further details in the commit notes on
> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/lib/libX11/commit/?id=54e5c0941b0ded1628d559a9f0a3451ea96c299b
> )
> Seems like we'd want the upcoming libxcb & libX11 releases when
> we're actually ready to integrate.
> --
>        -Alan Coopersmith-           alan.coopersmith at sun.com
>         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

No, thanks, WHY should I (or another external person) ever work on the
fox-gate again? At the end everything is ready and nobody moves it
I hardly even get a response regarding this.
A year back, when the fox-gate was set up, it had been without any
question that SPARC-Xorg would be used for one or more of "Sun's
distros". Now I get lessons in how to think, what to expect and how to
read/interpret emails. Assuming I could afford it to start working on
xcb (another month for free), who promises me that the same doesn't
happen again? It is ridiculous to think, I would have taken the time
to integrate the SPARC stuff into the fox-gate just for fun in its own
sense, without expecting Sun to use that stuff in Indiana, SXCE and
Solaris 10. And I don't believe anybody, that he or she in fact
thought this. Could I go back in time, I would have laughed at Sun
when they initially set up opensolaris.org .
But over time not even anyhing of the initial good spirit has
survived, not a small bit. Today all that opensolaris is, is a
commercial "product".
For stuff like that I would not have wasted months and months and
months of my time, tens of thousands of $$$ for direct bills for the
required testing hw and electricity and well beyond 100K of money that
I didn't earn, because instead of doing anything for my career I had
been a dumb "OpenSolaris enthusiast believer".

Also read the comments section (bullet proof glass for JS, 700K)
The X11 group doesn't even get the money to buy a coffee machine, yet
millions and hundreds of millions are wasted elsewhere.
Actually billions if you consider overpriced aqisitions like Cobalt
(Sept. 2000) and StorageTek in 2005.
I had been very patient with my sympathy for that company, but
everything has an end.
This top-management is ill-judged. Or call it "incompatible with
reality". Or worse.

Martin Bochnig

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