On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 8:53 PM, Kenneth Kirksey
>  On Apr 14, 2008, at 1:36 PM, Krzysztof Maj wrote:
> > just a simple question. I have PDF file inside the Yojimbo. I would like
> to annotate/rotate it and save it once again into Yojimbo database. How to
> do it? Now I have to open this file in Preview, do all my changes, save the
> file to the hard disk and import this file once again into Yojimbo. Now I
> have duplicate and I need to delete the old one file from the Yojimbo
> database. Even if I use Print->Save as PDF in Yojimbo" option from the
> Preview I will get duplicate inside the Yojimbo database.
> >
> > I think it's irritating process just a bit and take a long time. Maybe
> someone can suggest something to make it easier?
> >
>  I ran into the same issue, and I came up with a very simple solution: don't
> use Yojimbo to store PDFs that you want edit or annotate. That's not what
> Yojimbo was designed for.
>  I've been using Leap
>  <http://www.ironicsoftware.com/leap/index.html>
>  for storing PDFs I want to edit and have been very happy with it. As a
> bonus, Leap also acts like Yojimbo for all my files that won't or shouldn't
> go into Yojimbo.
>  Leap is expensive ($59) but worth it in my book. If you don't want to spend
> that much money, look at Yep ($39):
>  <http://www.ironicsoftware.com/yep/index.html>

Or use Bibdesk (http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/) for managing your
pdfs and Skim (http://skim-app.sourceforge.net/) for doing the
annotations w/out changing actually the PDFs. Both are open source
(and Bibdesk can show Skim notes)

Niels *who is not keeping PDFs in Yojimbo because of several reasons -
annotations are one*

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