2011/4/18 Patrick ALLAERT <patrick.alla...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/4/12 Jerome Renard <jero...@apache.org>:
>> <this is the auto flagellation part>
>> I plead guilty for imposing Ant, the reason is that I have been using
>> it for a couple
>> of years already and I thought it would solve problems we got in the
>> Makefile. But I
>> was wrong.
>> <this was the auto flagellation part>
> Oh oui oh oui, je veux voir ça plus souvent :D
> Patrick ;)

My bad. This is what happen when you "Reply to all" when you just want
to reply to the author.
The best I can do is, at least, to translate my above perversity:

"Oh yes, I'd like to see that more often :D"

ps: sorry for the annoyance.


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