> - is not XML based (Derick will appreciate that :P)

probably the only one ;-)

> I will try to give Pake a try as soon as possible. But if one of you
> already has experience with
> Phing or Pake I would be happy to get your feedback about these tools :)

I have no experience and no preference with Pake and Phing, but I
could understand Phing very quickly (no surprise, as a ant user) and
had some trouble to get into pake. I am still unsure on some points
and could not use it straight away. You'll probably need to make a
good documentation on Pake otherwise I can imagine that users who want
to join the project might have some trouble.

I don't see a benefit compared to the actual makefile in readability.
If you say, Pake is easier - its just in the eye of the observer.

> <this is the auto flagellation part>
> I plead guilty for imposing Ant, the reason is that I have been using
> it for a couple  of years already and I thought it would solve problems we 
> got in the
> Makefile. But I was wrong.
> <this was the auto flagellation part>

Naaa, Ant is not such bad! Trying it out was a logical consequence. It
just didn't fit

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